Mynd a wnaf dan godi llef
Myn'd a wnaf dan godi'm llef

(Cyffes yr Edifeiriol)
Mynd a wnaf dan godi llef,
  O! Dad, maddau;
Pechu wnes yn erbyn nef,
  O'th flaen Dithau:
Nid wyf deilwng fab i Ti,
  Dad trugarog;
Rho le imi yn dy dŷ
  Fel gwas cyflog.

Blinais, blinais ar y wlad
  Lle mae pechu;
Am ddod adre' i dŷ fy Nhad
 'R wy'n hiraethu;
Bydd dy Hunan, Iesu mawr,
  Yn fy nerthu;
N'ad im roddi f'arfau i lawr
  Nes gorchfygu.

               - - - - -

Myn'd a wnaf dan godi'm llef,
  A chyfadde',
Pechu wnes yn erbyn nef,
  O'th flaen dithe',
Nid wyf deilwng fab i ti,
  Dad trugarog,
Rho le i mi yn dy dŷ,
  Fel gwas cyflog.

Dowch blant afradlon at eich Tad,
  Mae i chwi groeso,
A fu mhell o dir eich gwlad,
  Yn crwydro;
Mae'r llo pasgedig wedi 'i ladd,
  Ni gawn wledda,
Ac mae'r gweision etto'n gwa'dd,

Caned nef a daear lawr,
  Fe gaed ffynnon,
I olchi pechaduriaid mawr,
  Yn glaer wynion,
Yn y ffynnon gyda hwy,
  Minnau 'molcha'.
Ac a ganaf fyth tra f'wy',

Fe genir yno am y gwaed,
  Gliriodd feiau,
Am y concwest mawr a gaed,
  Ar Galfaria;
Gan iddo fyn'd i lawr i'r bedd,
  A chyfodi,
Am hynny byddwn ar ei wedd,

Dyma'r aberth mae erioed,
  Sôn am dano,
Ar y ddaear 'does yn bod,
  Debyg iddo;
Mae Seraphiaid pena'r nen,
  Yn rhyfeddu,
Wel'd eu Brenin ar y pren,
  Yn gwir drengu.

Dyma sylfaen gadarn gre',
  Trwy fy mywyd,
Credu, ac edrych arno fe,
  Yw fy ngwynfyd;
Ynddo bellach trwy bob plâ,
  Y gobeithia',
Ac mewn rhyfel canu wna,
  Yn ei foli.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1795-1829
priodolir penillion i / verses attributed to:
  John Hughes 1775-1854
  George Lewis 1763-1822
  Edward Parry 1723-86
  William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
Gogerddan (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Hornsay (<1829)
Patmos (alaw Ellmynig)
Rhoslan (Morris Davies 1796-1876)

  Ar Galfaria un prydnawn
  Blant afradlon at eich Tad
  Caned nef a daear lawr
  Craig safadwy dan fy nhraed
  Crist yw'm sylfaen gadarn gref
  Gelynion creulon sydd yn llu
  Gwyn a gwridog hawddgar iawn
  Y mae'r dyddiau'n dod i ben

(The Confession of the Repentant)
Go I shall while raising a cry,
  O Father, forgive!
Sin I did against heaven,
  Before Thee also:
I am not a worthy son to Thee,
  Merciful Father;
Grant me a place in thy house
  As a paid servant.

I am weary, weary of the land
  Where there is sinning;
To come home to my Father's house
  I am longing;
Be Thyself, great Jesus,
  Strengthening me;
Do not let me put my weapons down
  Until overcoming.

                - - - - -

Go I shall while raising my cry,
  And confess,
Sin I did against heaven,
  Before thee also,
I am not a worthy son to thee,
  Merciful Father,
Give me a place in thy house,
  As a paid servant.

Come, prodigal children, to thy Father,
  There is a welcome for thee,
Who were far from the land of thy country,
The paschal calf has been killed,
  We may have a feast,
And the servants are still invited,

Let heaven and earth below sing,
  There is a fountain,
To wash great sinners,
  Shining white,
In the fountain with them,
  I too shall wash myself,
And I shall sing while ever I live,

There is sung about the blood,
  That cleared faults,
About the great conquest that was had,
  On Calvary;
Since he went down to the grave,
  And arose,
Therefore we shall be after his likeness,
  Praising him.

Behold the sacrifice that has always,
  Been made mention of,
On the earth there is not existing,
  His like;
The chief seraphim of the sky are
At seeing their King on the tree,
  Truly dying.

This is the firm, strong foundation,
  Throughout my life,
To believe, and look upon him,
  Is my delight;
In him henceforth throughout every plague,
  I shall hope,
And in battle sing I shall,
tr. 2017,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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